Do you wake up some days feeling like life would be a whole lot simpler if we destroyed all our devices/social media, and had a significantly smaller amount of people in our life?!
Maybe even going as far as throwing out all material possessions and buying a campervan or boat to live in?
(a nice one with a coffee machine, granted… especially if there’s kids involved)
I haven’t gone as far as the campervan/boat option. Yet ????
Since the world shut down in 2020, I turned in to a semi-hermit and have spent the last 2-3years doing quite a bit of ‘decluttering’, simplifying and a whole lot of thinking… well, “over thinking” is probably a more apt word.
I literally stopped all work and business activities, silenced my phone most days and started reading actual, physical books.
Lots of books. And podcasts. Sooooo many podcasts.
(I realise at this point I am 100% contradicting myself about destroying our devices. I absolutely want to keep podcasts and audio books and I’m fine with this double standard…!)
It’s been a mix of both bliss and exhaustion, to end up down new (and very deep) rabbit holes by reading so much.
But it also opened my eyes about a lot of things I’ve been forced to change my mind about…
…things I was pretty set in my views on 3years ago, have since done a full 180-flip in my brain.
I don’t know about you, but I barely feel like it’s safe to open my mouth these days (let alone my phone or social media), before someone is yelling about something that leaves me rolling my eyes and feeling like the majority of people need bigger problems than they seemingly already have!
What I mean is – the majority of people seem more concerned about giant world issues than they are about the quality of their own existence.
Maybe I’m getting old and selfish, but…
…I genuinely think a lot of the world’s big issues will correct themselves (over time) if more individuals focussed on their own happiness, than the global issues they are getting worked up about by watching too much ‘news’.
Do you agree?! Please… tell me I’m not alone?!
Saying that – I generally don’t have a problem opening my mouth and speaking my mind or having an opinion if asked for one. Albeit I’ve also learned I don’t need to have an opinion on everything!
A LOT about the proverbial ‘system’ doesn’t seem to be working at the moment, though… the above rabbit holes of reading helped me begin to understand that in a bit more detail.
I believe everyday humans can make a LOT of positive progress by exchanging ideas with each other than by listening to any politician or so-called ‘leader’…
I kinda feel like a lot more people should be having healthy debates to open minds to new ways of thinking. But the only people who seem to be able to do this, are those who are also willing to take some ownership and responsibility for their own shortcomings if their life isn’t quite panning out the way they had thought it would.
If we don’t improve at cultivating individual self-awareness, it starts to feel as though the online ‘keyboard warrior’ behaviour spills over in to real life – people are just so reactive and seem so easily ‘triggered’.
I wish I was wrong on this so again, please, tell me I’m not alone?!
I’ve had plenty of time to sit around having said conversations with myself about this stuff over the last three years – so it felt like it was time to share some of them with you…! ????
More importantly – try and make my own contribution – however small – to understanding more about the realisations and conversations other people have been having in that time.
I’ve had all the best intentions of starting a weekly email newsletter for this.
(I kept doing that silly human thing of putting it off until the time was “right”. Now, I KNOW i’m not alone on that one…!)
Instead, I started a podcast and until now – kept it mostly to myself.
So here I am -sharing the voices in my head with you. Because you’re someone who – at some stage or another – has expressed an interest in hearing them.
You might regret that, you crazy human…! ????
Jokes aside – if any of this resonates – I’d love you to share what’s changed or revealed itself for you since the pandemic and beyond.
I’ve heard so many inspiring stories of people making some pretty radical changes and I’m here for it!
Getting my popcorn ready…
(if you’re reading this online, drop me an email or – even better – a voice note on Instagram or Twitter)