Dear 16year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 16TH YEAR 💋🍻 🎓 There’s going to be plenty of occasions where circumstances give you very little certainty about the future. Just take the next step rather than worrying about the next ten – things generally work out for the best and you’ll conserve a whole lot of emotional energy. On that, […]

Dear 15year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 15TH YEAR 💇‍♀️ Photographic evidence from this year at school is lacking – perhaps a blessing?! It’s a challenging year academically – despite the fact you’re actually flying through this shindig with pretty impressive grades across the board. Far exceeding any age-average expectations at this point in English too 🤓👏🏼 I know […]

Dear 14year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 14TH YEAR 🤪 Brace yourself… This year, you and millions of others around the world are experiencing a monumental emotional shift in to a new reality. Life will literally never be the same again… It is 1996 and… …THE SPICE GIRLS ARE HERE 🤯 🎉 🎓 Seeing a girl in a football […]

Dear 13year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 13TH YEAR 💃🏻 A TEENAGER 🤯 Let’s get the sad part out of the way. We’re saying goodbye to Jojo this year and it’s the most upset you have ever felt and seen 💔🥺 🎓 Dogs teach us so much. Like living in the moment and finding immense joy in the simplest […]

Dear 12year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 12TH YEAR 🤓 A parting achievement at Hinchley Wood Primary is successfully passing your cycling proficiency. 🎓 “Safety first” is a good lesson in many things 👏🏼 Side note: not so successful in remembering to take your actual bike to school that day 🤦🏼‍♀️ Mads almost manages to blow your ear drums […]

Dear 11year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 11TH YEAR 📝 This Bob bloke is a score – so many holidays to new places! Who knew Blighty has so much to offer a kid who’s travelled so much already?! 🤩 There are times when you struggle to know where you fit in to this new family dynamic. Enjoy the best […]

Dear 10year old Ames!

LIFE LESSONS FROM YOUR 10TH YEAR ✂️ DOUBLE FIGURES AMY LOU! 🚀 Whitney’s 1992 anthem lyrics say a lot of things I’d say to you at this point. And to everyone else in this video actually 💜🎶 🎓 First lesson this year… we DO NOT cut our own hair 🤦🏼‍♀️ You’re not the first kid […]

Dear 9year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 9th YEAR 🏅 School fairs are an opportunity to show off a bit… I believe this was an ‘international’ theme so Mads and Norma have taken great pride in dressing you as a Russian doll. Something that needs explaining to LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE 🤦🏼‍♀️ Enthusiasm for theatre doesn’t always translate so well […]

Dear 8year old Ames!

LIFE LESSONS FROM YOUR 8th YEAR 🥳 Right then “Amy 8” – you’re collecting a couple of hallmark memories this year 😬 “Ooh, aren’t you tall” is something you’re going to hear a lot from now on – like, forever. Get used to it. For group photos, that means being at the back with the […]