Dear 22year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 22ND YEAR 🎢 You, Juz and Ali land jobs at the New Look store in the city centre. This is courtesy of the recruitment genius of one @hollybarras who thought three hungover idiots in baseball caps at the back of an open day were clearly the pick of the bunch. Being late continues to […]

Dear 21year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 21ST YEAR 🗝 I know this gig isn’t doing much for you on the academic front. But your latest emotions on that are worth suffering for now – certainly doesn’t seem to be stopping you enjoying the full University ‘experience’ 😳 🎓 The only thing that truly IS suffering, is your waistline. […]

Dear 20year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 20TH YEAR 🤪 Two entire decades of life Ames 🤯 After deliberating over University and road trips to a couple of campuses – you decide it’s a goer. Said road trips also bring the added bonus of ‘colourful’ and very deep chat with Mads 😵‍💫 Your current job at the PR company […]

Dear 19year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 19TH YEAR 😵‍💫 Holy shitballs Ames – school is OUT 🤯 Making it to Year 13 earns you the right to sit on your arse as a steward for the annual charity walk. Try not to let your deck chair with BBQ set-up distract you from looking out for the safety of […]

Dear 18year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 18TH YEAR 🎉 Other than a final (supposedly) dancing school show and its dramatic plot twist – the MILLENNIUM is upon us 🥂 Better take a ton of booze in a backpack to London for the fireworks – just in case the world ends 👀 On a night where millions descend on […]


SPECIAL EDITION! LESSONS FROM MRS ARNOULD (aka ‘Phylly’) 🎭 For the first time so far in this exercise, I’ve had to reach for the tissues! 🥹 The ripple effect of this absolute legend is quite profound to me as I document my 18th year. It’s a no-brainer that this lady gets her own tribute! 🙌🏼 […]

Dear 17year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 17TH YEAR 💰🚗 🎓 “Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ‘99… WEAR SUNSCREEN” 🎶 I wish we’d all been listening to the wisdom in this @bazlurhmann tune ⤴️ a little closer 🥺 I blame raging hormones and the far more emotionally in-tune anthems of the Backstreet Boys 🤦🏼‍♀️ SUCH a bittersweet time 🥲 […]

Dear 16year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 16TH YEAR 💋🍻 🎓 There’s going to be plenty of occasions where circumstances give you very little certainty about the future. Just take the next step rather than worrying about the next ten – things generally work out for the best and you’ll conserve a whole lot of emotional energy. On that, […]

Dear 14year old Ames!

LESSONS FROM YOUR 14TH YEAR 🤪 Brace yourself… This year, you and millions of others around the world are experiencing a monumental emotional shift in to a new reality. Life will literally never be the same again… It is 1996 and… …THE SPICE GIRLS ARE HERE 🤯 🎉 🎓 Seeing a girl in a football […]